Saturday, February 18, 2012

night at the opera

a couple of weeks ago T and i went to the opera! the production was called great moments in opera and highlighted a lot of italian and french operas. T happens to be a huge fan and i love almost anything to do with theatre or music. the soprano sarah colburn was in a word a knockout! i don't think i've ever been such a big fan of anyone on stage right off the bat aside from kristin chenoweth. probably what i loved most about her was her sassy attitude and demeanor as she sang. i mean, i have seen quite a few operas before but never knew a singer to finish a note by putting her hands on her hips! it was so cute! (plus her costume changes were dynamite) we just loved every minute of it plus it was fun to get to do something a little outside of the normal routine. afterwards T and i went to our favorite little brazilian bar for caipirinhas and music. it was such a great night out and on a girlie note, i was so excited to have a musical date with T!

p.s. sorry this pic is so grainy and out of focus but i had to share it as i am completely OBSESSED with this dress! lulu's i swear between you, anthropologie and chicwish you will be the death of me...or my bank account ;)


  1. Bill and I heard Sarah Coburn before Christmas and were equally excited about her performance. At the time she was pregnant and suffering from laryngitis AND still she sang beautifully.

  2. well she was super pregnant when we saw her and made it look so easy to look and sound amazing!


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